Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 2 Postop pm update

Macsen seems to be doing better. He's not inconsolable but is definitely not comfy. His left lung is still bad and his head is so puffy his eyes are little slits... hard to tell when they are open or closed. He had a little bit of a bad turn today - throwing meds at him all day finally caught up to him and he got so knocked out he wasn't breathing well. So now they aren't giving him dilauded or morphine anymore and I'm not sure what the next med will be. They are giving him Tylenol around the clock - suppository which he is rightly outraged by.
He was awake a little more - listening to me tell him stories between bouts of trying to rip the cannula off his face. I joked to the nurse Sherri that when my friends brag about how their 5 month old babies were sitting up or standing I can say "oh yeah? Well M can rip a high flow cannula off his face in 5 seconds flat. Top that! Didn't think so." Silly the things you say in the midst of losing it a little.
So now he's quiet-ish. Aaron is jiggling and jostling the crib and Macsen is calm - mostly.but not crying so that's good.
We have been loving FaceTime with the girls every night. They are funny, silly and just amazing at getting our minds off all this. Tonight K was dressed in her cheetah footie Jammie's while C held out a hula hoop for her to jump through - like a circus cat. Hysterical. That's what we are doing in the picture. Laughing at their antics. We miss them and hate to hear "when are you coming home" because we can't say. Hopefully soon.
And we saw Caelen roaming the halls - pulling his Mom or Dad on the oxygen tubing leash. He is a mover that one! Please keep him in your prayers as he is still battling that plastic bronchitis and his mom has an appointment with the transplant team on Monday.


  1. So CUTE! Alex, you look like you are devouring the image with your eyes... eating it up, so to speak! So glad you have the technology to be able to connect with them so easily! How awesome! So thankful they are with Nanna and having a blast in true Miller style - cheetah print and hula hoops, oh my! Love you!

  2. Tomorrow will be a better day for Macsen, that is my prayer.
