Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 3 post OP pm update

Macsen had 3 echos today and 1 X-ray. Sweet baby was so good during all of them. He totally slept through the last echo but kept hitting the doctor's arm in his sleep.
We have been waiting all day to hear how his heart looks. They just rounded and said there is good flow through both pulmonary arteries! Yay! A little narrowing of his LPA and his squeeze isn't optimal but overall looks good!wish they could have told us earlier and saved me the 40 new grey hairs that have grown in over the past 12 uncertain hours. He is also off the high flow oxygen which is great - that thing is intense blowing up your nose. They suctioned a lot of gunk out of his upper airway today too. He would really start to choke and panic - his arms and legs flailing, eyes wide. Scary.
His lung sounds better and better. The nurses do PT - beat on his chest- every 2 to 3 hours to help it and he loves it. He relaxes and goes to sleep - all while they have him hunched forward - his newly sewn chest padded with a blanket and resting on their hand while their other hand pats his back and chest. Doesn't look comfy but it must feel good to him.
After talking to the rounding docs one mentioned... And I am not going to hold my breath...MAYBE going to step down tomorrow. What? So hopefully that means all his extra appendages will be taken out in the am. So ready for my baby to be able to wear clothes. He hates being naked. Thank goodness for his Aden and Anais bamboo blankets. He loves them - he strokes them in his sleep. That and twirls his hair... I was happy to see him start doing that today too... Getting my baby back little by little. I swear he almost smiled. Sigh. Relief. Happy. Hoping nothing wacky happens overnight and we all get a good rest.
Tomorrow we have to work on eating. He won't eat much - today I was able to get 15 ml in with a syringe. He swallowed it .1ml at a time - he just seems unable to navigate the bottle anymore... He goes for it but gives up after 2 or 3 sucks. Hoping he's just exhausted and perks up tomorrow ready to eat.


  1. Encouraging post! Am praying for a restful night for all of you! Tomorrow will be a better day... little by little! Sending you much love! Xoxoxo

  2. Praying for a good night and for M to get better and stronger (to suck and drink)!
