Saturday, March 23, 2013

Happy half birthday!

Macsen is 6 months old!
He's had a cardiology appointment and a pediatric appointment and they both think he's looking good. He went from 11 lbs 9 oz at his Monday cardiologist appointment to 11 lbs 14 oz at his Wednesday pediatric appt - different scales I know but hoping this is the beginning of easier/more rapid weight gain for the little man. We were even able to shorten his medicine list to just 1 diuretic 2x/day instead of 2- 3x/day. He really appreciates the change and we really appreciate not having to squeeze his little cheeks open that many times a day. That baby is a champion medicine spitter and it is a little know fact if you squeeze his cheeks open - like you're opening one of those old timey rubber change purses - he can't spit out the meds. Barbaric but effective.
He is just now on Enalipril - or as we have come to start calling it his heart vitamin- and Lasix, Vitamin D, baby aspirin. He still doesn't sleep much and I still feel like his head hurts him - he will wake from a dead sleep with a pained cry - though that could be his poor tummy. Mega dose of antibiotics during surgery may be good for keeping infection from his heart but not so great when it comes to his bowels. He has had crazy diarrhea for weeks. Time to get him on the probiotics I think.
I tried to feed him some mashed up egg yoke + breastmilk. He tried it then cried and went crazy until I gave him his bottle.
He is drinking so much better now. Not crazy amounts more - just more, and more at a time. He is also bearing a little weight on his legs - we put him in his jumper and he kicked his left leg a lot. Just not quite coordinated enough yet but he'll get it. He can lift both legs up and will grab his pants legs to pull them up close to his face - so adorable. He also sat up on my lap without being propped for a few seconds. Very proud of that. With his surgery who knows how long until his muscles are strong enough for unassisted sitting but he's getting stronger every day. His grip is getting stronger - he can snag a handful of his sisters' hair which delights them - wonder how long until that are no longer amused by this. He sleeps less during the day too - instead of at least 4 hour - 90 minute naps he'll take 4 little cat naps. He really REALLY loves music and will fall asleep watching his sisters dance to the Top 10 on Pandora.
He has also started stroking my arm when I hold him, stroking my face when I cuddle with him. That's also new - he would never be comfortable snuggling in bed with me but lately sometimes when he can't sleep any other way I can take him in with me and he will roll on his side, reach out to me, and fall asleep. This.... stops my heart.  For months I have longed for this and when he does it now I am afraid to move, afraid to break the spell that is keeping him close. It can be 6 o'clock at night - his bedtime - chosen and insisted on by him of course - and I will just stay, still as a  statue, scared to readjust my pillow and reaching out quietly for a sweater or teddy bear - something within arms reach- to put behind my head so I don't disturb this perfect moment with him, this gift. It will last as long as it will last- sometimes minutes, sometimes an hour and he will cry out - too hot to sleep so close anymore.

Happy Half Birthday my Littlest Love.


  1. Love you guys. Miss you guys.

  2. Happy half-birthday Macsen - Love the pics! Lots of love to all Millers. Martha.
