Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 3 post op am

Last night was much better than the night before. Macsen is now just on Tylenol and they have turned off Milrinone and put him on oral Enalipril. He has a lot of secretions they are having to suction and his left lung still looks bad but chest pt should help. Chest X-ray and echo today showed no fluid on his lung so they won't have to put another chest tube in. Still waiting for rounds - it's the weekend and they take longer- to find out the plan for the day. Hopefully it involves removing some tubes and wires so I can hold my baby today.
He looks better - not as swollen. You can actually see the whites of his eyes!


  1. Such a beautiful angel to look at. We are all praying for his speedy recovery. He is a very strong boy, and should wrap this up in no time. Still breaks my heart to see him like this. I want to see him in your arms and smiling! Love you!!!!!

  2. yea...peepers! :) and i'm with grammy - i hate seeing him like this but i love seeing the updates that he's getting better and less puffy. hugs and love for you guys. praying today there will be more recovery for him and more rest and reassurance for you two! xoxoxo, bww

  3. So glad to hear/see he's doing better! Love the picture. Can't wait to hear those tubes/lines are removed so you can hold him! Praying for him to continue to feel better, to heal quickly & for you two to feel strength from all the prayers being sent up for you continuosly! Xo

  4. He realy knows you are right there beside him!
