Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day3 post op

Finally got to hold my bub. He was moaning and agitated- nothing like 2 days ago - and he still has all his lines and rubes but they carefully bundled him and put him in my arms. His eyes got heavy and he went to sleep in less than a minute - he just wanted to be held.
His left lung is most probably collapsed. The X-ray this morning looked totally white on that side:( Because he is so hard to get an iv in they are leaving his central lines in just in case they need them in a hurry. He does look better but not perfect DrBrunetti said hopefully tomorrow all his lines/tubes can come out.
They are diuresing him - giving him 2 types of meds to make him pee- and suctioning lots of crud from his throat. It will even choke him sometimes and he panics because he can't breathe.
His bandage came off his chest incision and it looks really good - should heal nicely.
He is still on high flow oxygen - working with just 1 lung is tough. Once they get that straightened out he may be able to come off it. Good because the sticky dots makes his face break out. His face is a mess - all the rubbing he did in reaction to the morphine and other pain meds really messed his face up. His face swelled so much and then the rubbing... Looks like he was burned all most. They won't let me put anything on it because greasy lotions will make it impossible to use tape to hold his cannula in. I did put a little breastmilk on it - crazy I know - but the crazier thing is it already looks 50% better an hour later.
He also ate a little - an ounce - but I was happy. His mouth is so parched his lips are cracking and he kept pursing them... They must hurt.

1 comment:

  1. He looks good alex!! Breast milk heals a bunch of things. many countries use breast milk to moisturize and clean babies skin....its pretty cool. Take care and keep up the good work.
