Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tomorrow is Fontan Day

Tomorrow is Macsen's 3rd open heart - his Fontan. He will be getting the lateral tunnel - it's complicated to explain. I'll try to find a link later. He had s very long day of testing today but I was glad to have my sisters and nephew there to help him. We are first case tomorrow - F time is scheduled for 6 am. No mom milk after 4 am / that rule always changes. 4 isn't bad though, I'll set my arm to make sure I can top him off before the cut off. We rarely start these things on time. I am strangely calm - despite hearing all the complications that can happen to him, his heart, other organs and brain. I have faith that he will come through this. I know the prayers are holding me together. 
One more pic before his big day. He was so tired after 5 hours of testing today.

He had a good bath - or 3 before surgery. After his first bath he had an accident so needed a shower. Then he reacted to the presurgery wipes - itching all over- so we had to wash all the residue off. 

So thankful we got into the Ronald. McDonald house. It's been 2 years since we stayed here - we usually have to stay in hotels.

M's older cousin came to help him through the echo. His sisters usually help so it was great to have this guy here to step in.

Hanging out with his Aunts

Watching Big Hero 6 while we wait for our XRay

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