Friday, August 28, 2015

Not getting out of here today

So, despite packing the car, picking up our home meds from the pharmacy and getting everything else done for discharge Macsen's bloodwork came back less than optimal. So we are here another night at least. I just want to cry. The resident tried to explain it to us - something about his electro lights being off and while his fluid in vs fluid out looked good on paper somehow theyissed he is probably very dehydrated. He has another hot pack on his good arm to get another IV put in and after he gets some fluids he will have another blood draw from a different site tomorrow to recheck. My poor bubs. He has very little real estate left on his hands and feet that isn't bruises from the pokes and Ivs. Please pray this saline fixes things and it's not an issue with his kidneys and pray for comfort for him. I just want to cry thinking about it :( 

1 comment:

  1. My heart breaks for you having another stay! I can see how happy and healthier he will be once he is home again and with his Yaya and Yayo and Nana!!!! I was hoping you would all be on the jet going back home, but is that possible????? Praying and sending love, hugs and kisses!!!!!!!
