Monday, October 1, 2012

... Two Steps Forward...

Phew! Glad yesterday is over and we are moving on! They cut his diuretics as he was negative - very negative- he looked like a shrunken version of himself. I wouldn't have recognized him - couldn't have picked him out of a baby line-up.
But today we got to feed him - he sucked down an ounce on 5 minutes and promptly started getting rid of his big gas bubble. They had to put him back on milrinone to help his extremities warm up. And they cut his high flow oxygen down to regular. So great b/c everytime he would open his mouth it high flow o2 would come shooting out. He's still on heparin but may go to aspirin layer today.
We get to hold him all day and work on eating. The girls are coming back from their weekend surge Auntie Gabi. They had a blast and it was such a relief to know that they weren't wondering where mom and dad were. We've barely left the hospital. I hope today we can give him a "bath" with the girls and they can pick out a clean smock and help me dress him. I think they'd like that


  1. This is all so wonderful! I love hearing these updates!!!!! Glad to hear that he's looking a bit better than yesterday...and obviously feeling better too! Love yall and praying each and every day! XOXOXOX BWW

  2. Love the pic of him and the girls at bath time. I know they are excited!

  3. I've really enjoyed the time I've been able to spend with the girls! You & Aaron are doing a great job & should be really proud! We've had lots of fun, considering the circumstances... from our little outings to local playgrounds to bigger outings like the MD RennFest. Through it all, your girls have been very well behaved and hysterical! I wish I didn't have to go back to work, and if you need! Love you! Xoxo Auntie Gabi
