Sunday, October 14, 2012

Packing up

Ok people. We are packing up!!! We have been here almost 2 months. How, you say, do you fit all the crap you needed to keep your 2 precocious girls entertained, and clothed for 2 different seasons and you with a 25 lb weight loss - picture tons of stuffed animals, school supplies, books, workout/swimming gear, and all the trappings of a brand new baby- how do you fit that in your car? You don't - you ship your crap back to yourself :) Sad but true. It was that or rent a trailer. Tomorrow is our last appt up here until we have to return for the Glenn. Macsen will let us know when that will be - could be anywhere from a month or two away or 6 months. We are leaving this place like we came - together as a family, hopeful for a long happy future with our little man Macsen. After meeting some really great families of other heart warriors we are so aware of how blessed we have been so far on this journey. We'll be coming home with no feeding tube, no oxygen tank, and our beautiful 3 week old single ventricle baby. Please pray for an uneventful road trip and a quiet/healthy couple of months.


  1. Yay! And these new prayers will be sent up.

  2. yay! Have a safe trip home!! praying for you all and the families you have met!!

  3. Have a safe, uneventful journey back home! So happy for you. Prayers being sent for peaceful months at home! Love you all! Martha.

  4. We are so happy for all of you!! Prayers and well wishes, for a very uneventful trip back to AL!! *The Hartmans

  5. Have a good and safe trip home. mum
