Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Poor Macsen

Macsen has had a bad week - all clumsy bad luck and not heart related. He fell flat on his face and bloodied his nose, got his fingers slammed in the door then today the freezer door smashed his big toe. Blood everywhere and the nail is coming off:( Pediatrician cleaned and bandaged it but left the nail on. Poor guy screamed and cried so much he passed out in the car on the way to the office and was so purple the dr looked pretty worried. Pinked back up once we left. Vomited up the first dose of Tylenol immediately - he HATES syrupy meds. I wrapped his foot in a baggy to give him a bath (he had blood everywhere and vomit in his hair) and water still wet his bandage. He was ok once the meds kicked in and is sleeping pretty well now. Praying he isn't in a lot of pain. He still wakes many times a night, crying and squirmy so this isn't going to help. Just can't help feeling so guilty and thinking he needs a helmet and a padded box to live in. He has the worst luck lately

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