Saturday, August 4, 2012

Miracle for Macsen

Home tonight from the amazing fundraiser our friends, family and community put together - our last fundraiser before we leave for Philadelphia. I am truly humbled by the sheer amount of love everyone put into this dinner for Macsen and our family. When I think of our story - our life - that was published in the local newspaper this week I can't help thinking that isn't the whole story, the best story. The most moving part of all this for me is the way our community - people we know and love - and people we have never met - have come together to lift our baby and our family up and  help us with what is to come. That is the real story - that is the story that I will tell my baby when I want to give him strength, when I want him to know how loved he is, when I want him to hold on and fight. I wish I could have bottled up all the love in the room tonight so I could gulp from it in the months to come. Thank you to our Mom's Club, to our friends and family from Gold's, to members of the Grace Place Church, to the Slagles, Adcocks, Andersons, Wades, Masiaks, Braunds, Cooks, Pettis Family and Amy Simmons for your unwavering support and immense generosity of time, resources, spirit, and especially love. Thank you to everyone who came to eat with us and those of who you who donated items for raffle. Your hearts are all so big how can they not be enough to help Macsen's?


  1. Wish I could've been there! Know that I was there in spirit and am thinking about y'all always. And who made those cookies? Amazing!

  2. Alex and Aaron - We love love love you guys and were so honored that we could even just be a small part of helping you out. Last night was sooo cool - but the best part is the last line of your blog....SOOOO well said! I just love it. :) (And thanks for making me sit here and cry like a looney tune on an early Sunday morning - after the best spaghetti dinner night ever, ha ha!) Love BWW

  3. I am so glad everything went well! Alex you and your family are so special to us! We love you and baby MAcsen so much. We pray for you daily even when you are feeling down, prayers are going up for you!! You are so strong and I look up to you for that. See you soon! We are here if you need anything! Love and prayers to you and your family and especially
