Monday, July 9, 2012

A Day in the Life of the Miller Insurance Account...

Another appt in Pensacola today. Not too many left now. Alex starts week 30 today. Got me thinking...

I was doing some math (the easy kind, not that confounded New Math) and I came to realize what a racket all this insurance business really is. I totalled all of Alex's medical charges since January (first OB appt) through the end of June; 6 months of charges came to $21,293.91. Wow. Now the interesting part. The amount that was actually paid: $7,267.90.  Almost a third! Combine that with the $600 in copays and out-of-network fees... $7900... we're still talking less than half!(37%) Ridiculous.
On the bright side, at least it's working in my favor for once. I can't imagine I'd be able to take that $1100 I've paid into insurance this year and use it to pay that $21,300 tab. And I'm sure the hospitals would be willing to let me slide by with just paying 37%... yeah right. The doctors and nurses are great (mostly). It's those bean counters you gotta watch out for!

1 comment:

  1. You know you lost me at "I was doing some math..." Ha ha....all kidding aside, today was great news because no leakage, right? Awesome!!!! I'm so glad. Hugs to you guys - hope you got home safely and we will swim this week...or eat...or lie around. I'm good with anything :) Love, BWW
