Monday, December 19, 2016

Sleep Study #1

All wrapped up for his sleep study
Getting settled into the sleep room with Daddy
All done at 4 am. Poor Daddy wasn't done sleeping though

Macsen's new Neuro suggested a sleep study bc Mac still wakes between 2 -100 times per night. Our new divided sleeping arrangements have helped one of us get a better night's sleep every other night (sometimes 2 nights in a row when one parent is feeling more rested or generous then the other lol.) 
 Aaron went with Mac which I was so thankful for. It was all the way in Pensacola (though if we have to repeat it ever we will try to use a sleep center closer to home.) Macsen did really great with all the wires and stickers (he HATES having stickers on him.) And Aaron said he slept better then ever - of course.Aaron had to sleep in a Lazy Boy and when Mac woke at his normal 4 am the techs came in and unwired him. After all that is was after 5am and Mac wasn't going to go back to sleep so they left. thankfully the Chik fil A was open and M got to play on the equipment while Aar ate breakfast. Macsen is not eating well again. He is no longer gagging - just seems completely uninterested in eating. Sigh. Later that morning Aaron brought MAc to the cardiologist's office to listen to his lungs and heart - he has been making this weird grunting noise for over a month and I just felt better having his card look him over before they came back to Alabama.
We are still waiting on results from the sleep study.


  1. What did you guys find out from the sleep study? Did it reveal facts that can help you track things down?

  2. HHi Kristin, his sleep study was unremarkable for any apnea issues. Everything looked good neuro and cardio wise as well. He was restless and the study remarked he moved his legs an awful lot.It could possibly be a iron deficiency issue apparently - we did blood tests a month ago but the tech didn't do all that was ordered so we have to redo them :( I've been putting it off because it is so traumatic for him.
