Sunday, September 13, 2015

New member of the family

Meet our new dog! I found him on FB and after talking to his current owner (she kept him for a friend who moved overseas) we wanted to see if he and Macsen might make a good pair. He is so gentle and sweet and not super high energy. The kids are calling him "Hiro" today (he's had several names already) but this one suits him and is from one of M's favorite movies Big Hero 6. He's not house trained so that's the first thing we are working on but he sure has adorable, cuddly and sweet nailed. 
 Macsen has been doing really well. He is 3.5 weeks post op.  He is running all over the place. He has been enjoying all his cars and trains - mainly green ones this week. He says "Geen!" He is starting to play chase again and wants you to chase and tickle him. And he jibber jabbers all the time which I love to hear. 
He's still not eating and today started vomiting again,  not just retching. I was hoping that was over :( he has completely stopped eating any solids. I will probably restart his periactin that helped him a lot with vomiting and helped him gain weight. 
He's still in pain - especially at night and we have thankfully finally found a flavor of Tylenol he'll tolerate - bubblegum chewables we dissolve in a syringe. This is the 4th or 5th kind we e tried - he spits all others out, cries and fights. 
He cries and tosses a lot in his sleep - all night, every night . Tylenol definitely helps so I think it's pain vs night terrors or hunger, though he still drinks the majority of his calories overnight while he's asleep. He seems in less pain during the day though. He's playing harder and saying "ow" less. 
He turns 3 (!!!) 1 week from tomorrow!its surreal to me that we are here! With every milestone it's impossible for me to not remember the Drs giving us such poor odds for him, the suggestion to terminate our pregnancy or bring him home and let him pass away. His life so far may not have been all sunshine and rainbows but he has proven every second of his life that he deserves to be, and wants to be, here with us. No one deserves those rainbows more than him. I am excited to celebrate his little, yet mighty, miraculous self

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