Friday, January 3, 2014

Macsen playing "take the object out of my mouth"

I caught a little of M's favorite game on video - something he came up with all on his own. He puts things in his mouth and waits for me to come fish them out. I haven't been too worried about him swallowing anything - with his insane gag reflex as soon as anything gets near the drop zone he "huah"s and spits it out. Pureed fruits and veggies? Huah! Disintegrating baby puffs? Huah! Googly eye from his sister's craft project? Huah! Well, we have found his gateway solid - the solid that has bridged the gap between milk and eating real food and that solid is sequins. He can't get enough of them and like I said I wasn't too worried about him swallowing them because he never swallowed anything. But our little non-eater passed 2 in his poop in the past 24 hours! And just like that he seems to be tolerating other things - bits of croissant he rips off with his new tiny teeth, shredded mozzarella (no vomiting so hoping he is indeed growing out of his dairy intolerance - oh cheese! How I've missed you!) But his most favorite food he never wastes or spits out (besides sequins apparently) is chocolate. He will nibble little bits off until he has consumed a whole square! My goal tomorrow is take a pic of his smiling chocolate smeared face - his little pearly whites peeking out- it is the sweetest face you'll ever see :) Besides swallowing he has also gotten a few other skills I will need to capture on film. He now scoots on his bottom instead of army crawling - apparently army crawling is sooo 2013 and scooting is where it's at in 2014. And he says "Hot!" and smacks his hand down whenever he thinks something might be hot. AND he can now mostly lower himself off the couch or bed and he is so very proud of myself. The word "beams" hardly contains the happiness in his smile when he looks up at me. Gah, we love that little man!

1 comment:

  1. So CUTE! You are so good with g him. I love the part where you say he doesn't even know he's getting hummus. Ha!
