Friday, April 22, 2016

Cardiology appointment

Macsen did well for his cardiology appointment. He liked to look at the echo screen and name all the colors. He was such a good boy - holding very still and he even helped wipe off the echo goo. It seemed to take forever for the doctor to come discuss his results. She saw something concerning - a shadowed area in his left ventricle- that could indicate a clot. So she went back though months and months of a his and said what ever the shadow is, he has had it since before his fontan. She upped his aspirin to a full tablet to be safe but said since he doesn't use his left vent he should be fine. We talked about M finally eating as well and when I told her the results we had with the CBD oil she have me a double take. I don't think she believes me though.
Aaron took off work to go with Macsen and I - it's still too long of a trip for he and I told to go alone. 3 hours in the car each way is too much for him without someone else in the back with him. Plus Aaron kept him busy so I could talk to his doctor - usually by that time in the appointment M has had enough and has a complete meltdown and I can't ask the questions I need to ask. 
We were also able to eat lunch at Aaron's brother's restaurant called The Vault in the old part of Pensacola. Everything was delicious and it was nice catching up with M's Uncle Sam. 
When we got home I was so grateful for friends who picked up the girls from school AND helped them with their homework. Now THAT's a good friend! 

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